We are pleased to announce that ProductCenter 9.10.0 is now available. This release improves ProductCenter usability and addresses customer reported issues.
ProductCenter 9.10.0 also includes updates to the supported platform matrix as documented in the ProductCenter 9.10.0 Release Notes. We encourage you to review the Platform Support section of this document as it includes information on new and discontinued platforms as well as suggestions on how to transition your current environment.
The following is a brief description of several ProductCenter 9.10.0 updates.
- New! Edit Attributes during BOM Import
- Support for Autodesk AutoCAD 2020 x64
- Support for Autodesk Inventor 2020 x64
- Support for CATIA V5-6R2019 (R29)
- Support for FrameMaker 2019
- Support for NX 1872
- Support for SolidWorks 2020 x64
Please refer to the ProductCenter Document Library for the latest ProductCenter documentation.
If you would like to request a copy of this ProductCenter 9.10.0 release, or if you have any questions, please contact ProductCenter Customer Support at (978) 203-5151 or email productcenter-support@essigplm.com.